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Higher Ed Advocacy Day at the State House, March 2nd


Dear FSU Member,

Public Higher Ed Advocacy Day 2020 is next Monday, March 2nd at the State House.

Join fellow UMB unions and other UMass system unions to tell our state legislators how the underfunding of public higher education has affected you and your students.  Tell them why the passage of the Cherish Act  (  is so important.

Mt. Ida- our campaign is working! Plus other important information


Dear Colleague,

Some important updates are here. 

FSU Executive Committee Statement on Coronavirus


Dear Members,

The FSU Executive Committee writes with some brief remarks on the recent news about an isolated case of coronavirus at UMass Boston. 

Coronavirus update and Mt Ida


Dear Colleague,

Welcome back and important information from the FSU


Dear Colleague,

I hope you are having a great beginning of your semester.  Here’s some important information and updates.  


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