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Take Action For Higher Education – MTA, Thursday, November 19th, 7:30


Dear FSU Members,

The state budget proposal from the Senate Ways and Means Committee includes level-funding for public colleges and universities through June 30, 2021. Despite these promising developments, public higher education executives are continuing to make draconian cuts.   What can you do?   Two things:

EASY ACTION -- MTA – Defend Higher Ed


Dear FSU Members,

As you know, the Governor’s proposed budget includes level funding for public colleges and universities through June 30, 2021.  Despite this, public education executives are continuing to make draconian cuts throughout the state.  Salem State is trying to impose a 3-week furlough on faculty and librarians. 

Click on the link below to ask your legislators to bring back laid off and furloughed workers.  It’s super easy.

The Point: Battle Cries


We will welcome to our numbers the loyal, true and brave,

Shouting the battle cry of freedom!—George Frederick Root’

Greetings, Colleagues:

TODAY: Racial Justice and Bargaining – an FSU Forum


Dear FSU Members,   

[Today Nov 6th from 4:30 to 6:00pm (contact the FSU or Steve Striffler for Zoom info).

Come today Monday 11.2 at 3pm, support NTTs at Faculty Council


Dear Non-Tenure Track Faculty,  

As elected non-tenure track members of the FSU Executive Committee, we represent your interests and work on your behalf.  All Executive Committee members, regardless of rank, have the same voting rights and authority.   

The Faculty Council does not allow NTTs to serve as elected members, but we are trying to change that. 


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