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September 21, 2016

FSU Executive Committee Meeting Minutes, Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Members Present: Marlene Kim,  John Hess,   Peggy Walsh,  Ursula Tafe,  Karen Suyemoto, Linda Dumas,  Sofya Aptekar,  Andres Henao-Castro (via Skype),  Ellen Frank

Others Present: Lorenzo Nencioli, FSU Membership Coordinator;  Caroline Coscia, NTT Grievance Officer and member of FSU Elections Committee;   Jeff Keisler, TT Grievance Officer


1.CPCS update- Provost moved everyone but 3 faculty to other colleges. We spent the summer reviewing MOA’s for faculty being transferred. Provost wants to reinvent CPCS but unclear what new direction/mission will be. Discussion and questions about moving faculty because of closing a school but hiring in it at the same time.  We need to look into whether there is a violation if retrenchment is occurring but they are hiring at the same time. Concern that faculty governance is being eroded. Recommendation to talk with 3 remaining CPCS members (those not transferred to other colleges) to see their view of program and what is happening.

2.FSU meeting tomorrow- Crossley Lounge, W-6-47:  come and support! 

3.Budget crisis- Report on convocation action; teach in. 

4.Oct 2 NTTs/Adjuncts- 10-2, Campus Center Ballroom 

5.Teach In- October 5, 12-2 pm, ISC 3-3300. 

  2. Vote on Radius bank account (FSU petty cash, money market accounts)- Motion made to remove Catherine Lynde as account holder, to add Marlene Kim as account holder. Motion seconded. Motion passes.
  3. FSU Secretary and Treasurer- Motion made to select Peggy Walsh as FSU Secretary (term of service 2 years). Motion seconded. Motion passes. Motion made to select Steve Levine as FSU Treasurer (term of office 2 years). Motion seconded. Motion passes.
  4. JCC members- Motion made to select John Hess, Larry Kaye, Steve Levine, and Marlene Kim as FSU members of the Joint Coordinating Committee and to select Linda Dumas, Caroline Coscia, and Karen Suyemoto as alternates. Motion seconded. Motion passes.
  5. Fall election activities- MTA is requiring every local to get involved in No on 2 campaign to prevent expansion of MA charter schools. MTA says it needs members to make phone calls or canvas. MK will check on canvassing dates. Discussion of how to get members involved in phone banking campaign. There will be a planned evening at Savin Bar and Grill on 10/20/16 or 27th or 13 for purposes of phone banking. EF will look into whether there is cell phone service, and if it is quiet enough.
  6. 2:2 in CLA:  accountability mechanism- When 2/2 was first approved, there was provision that FSU and Admin would get together later to agree to an accountability mechanism. Discussion of proposal from Dean. Discussion about proposal including adding language that adds mechanism disallowing overrule from Admin., having decisions grievable, faculty policing faculty, whether or not FSU should be involved in this endeavor. Alternative proposals were suggested.  Discussion of impact on NTT if a 2/2 TT is forced to go back to 3/3, whether extra sections can be added if a 2/2 TT is converted to 3/3, and if we go back to a 3:3 if we should go back to small classes.  MK will ask Dean for latest official proposal on accountability measure. JK volunteers to help with negotiation re CLA 2/2 accountability.


  1. Scholarship fund for non-paying FSU agency fee members- Admin recommends that docked pay for unit members who fail to pay agency fee should go into general scholarship fund at UMB. Discussion of why money does not go to FSU. One suggestion was to ask Labor Studies if they have a student scholarship fund. SA will look into scholarship funds.
  2. Bargaining team- We need a TT member and a librarian to join Caroline Coscia, Larry Kaye, and Marlene Kim as members already on team: Askold Melnyczuk (TT) and Tina Mullins (Librarian) volunteered to be on team. Motion made to elect Askold Melnyczuk and Tina Mullins to FSU main table bargaining team. Motion seconded. Motion passes.
  3. NTT merit raises- Contract calls for a committee to review NTT merit to ensure it is properly being applied. Ursula Tafe and Larry Kaye served on committee last year. Ellen Frank and Caroline Coscia will be on committee this year. Need to remind Admin to send letters of award of merit if it did not already happen.
  4. FSU Facebook page- It was noted that the managing administrator of the FSU Facebook page is Amy Todd, who once was the Associate Editor but is no longer in this role.  Sofya Aptekar is on the communications committee and is more closely in this role.  It was decided that Sofya Aptekar should be the managing administrator for the FSU Facebook page since she is on FSU Communications Committee and has been playing Amy’s former role.
  5. FSU Communication Committee- Tina Mullins and Sofya Aptekar volunteer to be on Committee. It was noted that Sofya already runs the FSU Twitter account.  Marlene Kim will sit in some meetings. 
  6. NTT Orientation- Peggy Walsh, John Hess, and Lorenzo Nencioli will help organize the orientation (date to be determined).
  7. FSU Elections committee- Need another volunteer since Doreen Drury (former member) no longer serving. Sofya Aptekar will be on committee.
  8. FSU representative at Faculty Council- Faculty Council is first Monday of month from 1:30-3:30. Marlene Kim has not been able to go to due to scheduling conflicts at the time allotted for the FSU to speak now, which is at end of meeting. Linda Dumas will talk to Heike Schotten (Faculty Council Ex Com member) about allowing FSU rep to speak at beginning of meeting rather than at end. John Hess and Ursula Tafe can also represent FSU at FC meeting (would entail delivering notes prepared by FSU President).
  9. Administration initiatives to improve or evaluate teaching-  There was discussion of the newly formed Teaching Soul Committee, comprised mostly of administrators (the head of CIT is not on it), which is tasked with looking at best practices to evaluate teaching. Best Practices to evaluate teaching is also being conducted.  Discussion of how primary faculty responsibility re teaching is being undermined and the need for the FSU to be aware of this. This should be brought up at Faculty Council.  Linda Dumas will bring this up at next Faculty Council meeting.
  10. Grievance Committee (GC) staffing and workload- GC would like Ex Com members to attend some Weingarten meetings.  Ex Com members would simply attend meetings when faculty want union representation.  This has been done in the past so we are telling ex com members that volunteers will be asked to do this.  Discussion about whether or not another TT grievance officer is needed.  It was noted that it would be good if we had another TT faculty member to deal with general contract implementation issues, not necessarily just for grievances. We should ask for extra CLR’s for grievances in bargaining. We need to look at the budget and see if we have the funds to pay for extra GO this year; we need to think of who may be good for this position. 
  11. Membership proposal from Andres (see below)- We need volunteers to do this work if Ex Com approves proposal. Ellen Frank, Sofya Aptekar can do some of the work along with Andres and Lorenzo.

FSU Membership Outreach Project Proposal

(September 21, 2016)

Description of the Activity



Person Responsible


1. Production of a List (A) with the members to be contacted by the FSU

i) The list will differentiate between members who pay the agency fee, and those who do not pay at all.

September 21, 2016




ii) The list will include an additional variable, identifying the likelihood of the member being contacted to fully join.


2. Distribution of List (A) to Department Representatives (DR)

i) A prior list, that identifies the Department Representatives (DR) for the FSU would have to be created.

September 21, 2016





FSU Activist(s) to be Determined

ii) The DR will only receive the names from the List A that belong to their department and feedback request (see below)

October 19, 2016

 (Deadline to contact DRs)






3. Request of feedback from DR (to accompany the distribution of List A per department)

i) DR will be asked four questions via e-mail:


October 31,


(Reminder to DRs, to send feedback)


November 2, 2016

(Deadline to receive feedback from DRs)









FSU Activist(s) to be Determined

a) Please identify those names that you know.

b) Please grade those names on the following basis:

b1. Likely to fully join.

b2. Undecided to fully join.

b3. Unlikely to fully join.

c) Would you be willing to contact those names.

d) Would you like to receive training on membership outreach before contacting.

4. Scheduling of membership outreach activist training.

i) Scheduling of the member outreach training for those DP who expressed interest in serving as membership outreach activists.


Mid November



4. Recollection of feedback received by DR.

i) All the information will be collected and organized in order to develop a new list.

November 16, 2016

FSU Activist(s) to be Determined

5. Development of a definitive List (B) of members to contact.

i) List B consists solely on those likely to fully join, after receiving the feedback from the DRs.

December 7, 2016

FSU Activist(s) to be Determined

6. Pairing of List (B) with DRs and FSU activists.

i) The idea is to reach the best pairing, based on the information received by DRs.

December 7, 2016

FSU Activist(s) to be Determined

7. Contact Names in List (B)

i) Establishing of a time-span for DRs and FSU activists to contact the names in List (B) to which they committed themselves.

January to February 2017

FSU Activist(s) to be Determined

8. Membership Outreach Follow-Up

i) The FSU will do a follow-up with DRs and FSU activists, to determine the success of the FSU Membership Outreach Project

March 2017

Lorenzo and

FSU Activist(s) to be Determined