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September 16, 2013


Members Present:  Phil Chassler   John Hess   Catherine Lynde   Peggy Walsh   Kathy Kogan   Amy Todd   Linda Dumas

Others Present: Mickey Gallagher, MTA Consultant   Lorenzo Nencioli, FSU Membership Coordinator  
Michelle Tsiakaros, FSU Administrative Assistant

Bargaining Plans
A bargaining survey was sent to the unit today. The Negotiation Committee is meeting on 9/17/13 and will meet a few more times during the semester (the NC will discuss results of survey, adopt bargaining principles, and make recommendations for bargaining and bargaining team members to the Ex Com). Some of the biggest issues to bargain over are Nursing (clinical track), distance learning, and NTT issues.

JCC Meetings for Fall 13
The Joint Coordinating Committee (the executive body for the combined FSU-MSP local) will be meeting on October 2nd, 3PM in Auburn. Available FSU Ex Com members are welcome to attend (contact the FSU for info). Bargaining among other issues will likely be on the agenda (more JCC meetings will take place in the Fall 13 semester).


Parking and Transportation Bargaining- Catherine Lynde reported on an informal meeting between union coalition reps and Mark Preble of the President’s Office. There was a proposal from Admin that would keep the $6 a day rate for anyone who bought bulk parking passes but would move the day/cash rate to $8 a day. It was also reported that Admin intends to bargain parking issues no matter what in the Spring even if agreement is reached on the 12-14 parking bargaining (i.e. Admin will be bargaining over parking for the successor agreement as well).

NTT Caucus- Kathy Kogan reported that the main issues of concern expressed by Caucus members are pay inequities between NTT faculty, lack of standardization of workload, workload in general, course cancellations, and office space. Catherine suggested that the Caucus come up with a list of issues to present to the Negotiation Committee and/or bargaining team to be addressed in bargaining. The Caucus is meeting on 10/4/13.

NTT Scholarship Incentive Program and Salary Anomalies Adjustment Committee- Catherine reported that Peter Langer will be discussing the lack of implementation for both entities with her this week after he meets with the Provost. The FSU will then make a determination as to whether or not to file a grievance for lack of compliance (neither the scholarship incentive program nor the SAA committee monies were given out in 12-13).

Grievance Update- Mickey reported that 5 ‘class action’ grievances relating to lack of contract implementation for NTT have been combined into 3 separate ULP’s (unfair labor practice charges) and sent to the MA labor relations board for review.

---the Ex Com went into executive session---

Organizing Department Chairs- It was reported that half of UMA chairs are favorable to entering the bargaining unit with more needing to be contacted. Catherine reported that a vote to unionize amongst the UMB chairs would likely pass. It was noted that the vote would have to occur quickly and simultaneously on both campuses. There was discussion of whether or not chairs, if voting to unionize, would form their own chapter or accrete into the FSU. There was also discussion of the need to reach out to chairs to discuss the benefits of joining the union and of asking chairs already favorable to unionization to speak to 5 or 6 of their colleagues until all chairs have been contacted. Heike agreed to help Mickey and Catherine with this effort.

Boston Area Adjunct Organizing- There was a report on the ongoing efforts to organize unions at area private universities (Tufts, Northeastern, Bentley, Suffolk especially). There was also a report on the firing of the UML Adjunct Union president. It was suggested that an article about these larger efforts be included in the next FSU newsletter.

The newsletter will be released sometime in November. Ex Com members should contact the FSU office, Catherine, or Amy Todd, Associate Newsletter Editor, with any suggested story ideas.

Agency Fee Calculations and PHENOM
It was reported that a lawyer for the MTA examined JCC expenditures for/donations to PHENOM and determined that most of them could not be charged to agency service fee payers (most PHENOM expenditures had been chargeable to agency fee payers prior to this). It was also noted that there is a statute of limitations of 6 months for unit members to contest the expenditures, after which they cannot be retroactively made to be non-chargeable to agency fee payers.

FSU FY13 Vote on ‘Uncollectible’ Dues/Agency Fee
There was discussion of the need to change internal FSU policy concerning members who repeatedly do not pay dues/agency fee. There was discussion of the document containing the full list of unit members who were assessed dues/agency fee and did not pay for FY13 (i.e. 12-13). A motion was passed for the FSU Ex Com to vote to approve the list of FY13 uncollectible dues/agency fees. The motion was seconded. The motion to approve the list of FY13 uncollectible dues/agency fees passes by unanimous vote.

Class Size Issues
There was discussion of the impact of the CLA 2/2 pilot program on class sizes. There was also discussion of the over enrollment add comp policy in CAPS. It was noted that CAPS pays add comp per number of students over the limit but that this add comp is not proportional to the regular per course rates for most NTT. It was also noted that the current add comp policy re admitting students above the course limit may allow CAPS to not open additional sections when their might otherwise be a need for them. The FSU will gather info on the policy before a possible follow up is determined.

FSU Social Event
There was discussion of the need for the FSU to have a social event during the Fall semester. Suggestions included labor history trivia night (on campus or off), a barbeque on campus, or a campus meeting with a guest speaker. Diane Ravitch will be coming to Boston sometime in the next few months. It was suggested that the FSU reach out to her and inquire about the possibility of bringing her to campus for a sponsored event.

FSU Social Media
The FSU has a Facebook page ( Members are encouraged to ‘like’ the page. Amy Todd is serving as page administrator. Michelle will also administer the FSU Facebook page.

Other Issues
There was discussion of the need to have FSU stickers and buttons for members and officers to wear or place on their office doors.