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September 15, 2010


Members Present:  John Hess   Ling Shi   Larry Kaye   Janet Dipaolo   Heike Schotten   Marlene Kim   Phil Chassler   Linda Dumas    Kathy Kogan  

Others Present: Jeffrey Keisler, FSU Grievance Officer   Lorenzo Nencioli, FSU Membership Coordinator


1.Newsletter- the newsletter will be released in late October.

2.Paul Toner- MTA President Paul Toner will be attending an all-union meeting at UMB to discuss the MTA’s endorsement of Patrick for governor. That meeting will take place on Tuesday, September 28th at 12PM in the Campus Center Ballrooms.

3.Elizabeth Mock Retirement Party- A party co-sponsored by the FSU and the Healey Library will take place on October 13th at 4PM in the Alumni Lounge of the Campus Center

4.CBA Funding-It was reported that Speaker of the House DeLeo will be proposing an omnibus bill containing CBA-funding this fall (sooner rather than later during this legislature’s informal session, he indicated). If the CBA is not funded by September 20th the FSU will plan a mobilization campaign for its members.

Union Retreat Summary

There was discussion of the notes from the FSU and all-union retreat held on August 31st. There was hope that the FSU would create a departmental and/or floor rep system (similar to a shop steward system). It was noted that the English department has had success holding union-info meetings for NTT in the past. It was suggested that the FSU embark on a plan to replicate this in other departments. It was also noted that the FSU has tried to implement such a system in the past but it did not work. It was generally agreed that the FSU would re-attempt the implementation of a department rep system but that this effort would take place after the November elections.


There was discussion of Question 3 and Question 1 and the deleterious effect passage would have on the public sector. There was also discussion of the gubernatorial race and the MTA’s endorsement of Deval Patrick. The FSU will be delivering an information packet to all members that will contain info on Q3 and Q1, the positions of the different gubernatorial candidates, and a general list of concerns for the FSU in the next week. The MTA will also be doing a phone banking campaign against Q1 and Q3 and for Patrick. CL will also ask HELC (the MTA’s Higher Ed Leadership Council) to contact other state unions re support for this campaign. The FSU will also ask MassPIRG about their voter registration efforts. A question was raised as to whether or not UMB faculty members can inform their students of these various efforts.


PHENOM (The Public Higher Education Network Of Masachusetts) will be holding a statewide march across the state in defense of public higher education. That 6 day event will culminate with a rally at the state house on October 7th. The FSU will promote this event with a flyer to be given to all FSU members as well as a blast email and a call for members to have a class visit from a PHENOM rep.

FSU Website

There was discussion of the need to update and redesign the FSU website. Ex Com members are asked to think about ways in which the website might be improved and to submit ideas to the FSU office. A motion was given to have the Ex Com authorize the expenditure of up to $3,500 to hire someone to re-build the website. The motion was seconded.  The motion to have the Ex Com authorize the expenditure of up to $3,500 to hire someone to re-build the website passed by unanimous vote.

Dues Collection Vote

The Ex Com was asked to vote on a change in the dues collection procedure. Because of the change in bargaining unit status in the 09-12 CBA, first year, per-course lecturers are not included in the bargaining unit. Therefore, it is asked that the FSU not seek to collect back dues from 09-10 for probationary, per-course lecturers (un-benefited). A motion in favor was given. The motion was seconded. The motion to have the Ex Com authorize the FSU to not collect back dues from 09-10 for probationary, per-course lecturers (un-benefited) passed by unanimous vote.


NTT Committee­- Members of the NTT caucus asked that a number of issues/concerns be presented to the Ex Com:

a)      Language for the collective bargaining agreement needs to be finished and regular communication with FSU members re contract matters needs to be maintained.

b)      The Labor/Management Distance Learning Committee needs to be re-convened (CL will begin this process).

c)       There should be an orientation plan implemented by the FSU for new non-tenure track faculty.

d)      Hidden Treasure, the program that celebrates the achievements of NTT on campus, will take place in March. The NTT caucus is seeking the FSU’s endorsement.

Grievance Committee- Phil Chassler, non-tenure track faculty grievance officer, reported that NTT grievances are increasing .The Grievance Committee will be re-convening at some point this semester (GC meetings are open to anyone who is interested in grievance or contract related issues).

Lecturer Retirement Update- Emails have been sent to all effected lecturers asking them for their authorization to be included in the class action (this would allow a sub-group of lecturers who were erroneously allowed to enter ORP to be reverted to the state retirement system). Once authorizations are given the FSU will work with ORP and SERS on the best way to transition these members into SERS.

Health and Safety Committee-Julie Winch is the FSU rep to the H and S committee. No update has yet been given.

Tuition and Fee Committee­- The PSU, CSU, and FSU contracts include a clause allowing for a Umass system-wide committee to examine the tuition and fee waiver for dependents of employees. The FSU will need to have a rep to this committee.  The committee will be convened in the Spring.