FSU Executive Committee Meeting Minutes
October 24, 2018
Members Present: Marlene Kim; Jeff Melnick; Steve Striffler; Monique Fuguet; John Hess, Tim Sieber; Emilio Sauri; Joe Ramsey; Joseph Brown; Ellen Frank; Jason Rodriquez
Others Present: Lorenzo Nencioli, FSU Membership Coordinator; Heather LaPenn, MTA; Jeff Keisler, FSU TT Grievance Officer
3. Staffing FSU committees: Motion to extend Jeff Keisler’s term as Grievance Officer until the end of 2018 calendar year (Jeff’s term expires in mid-November). Motion seconded. Motion approved unanimously. Cat Mazza and Gillian MacNaughton will replace Jeff. Motion to appoint Cat and Gillian as tenure track grievance officers as of January 1, 2019; Jeff Keisler train them. Motion seconded. Motion passes unanimously.
University Anomaly Committee (UAC): Zsusa.Kaldy has stepped down from committee temporarily so Vivian Ciaramitaro is replacing her. Lusa Lo is on sabbatical and so cannot serve. Jay Dee volunteered to replace Lusa for the fall 2018 semester. Motion to appoint Jay Dee to UAC as replacement for Lusa Lo. Motion seconded. Motion passes unanimously.
Research Intensive Semester (RIS) bargaining committee: This committee could use a member with experience in bargaining, and Marlene Kim is willing to serve. Motion to add Marlene Kim to RIS committee. Motion seconded. Motion passes unanimously.
4. Stipend and back pay for Ellen Frank: Ellen Frank was appointed as a part-time NTT grievance officer but has been doing the same amount of work as full-time NTT grievance officer, Caroline Coscia. Motion made to give Ellen the same grievance officer stipend as Caroline Coscia retroactive to start of Fall 18 (Ellen will be paid $6K for 2018-19, as Caroline is paid, instead of $2K, her current 2018-19 stipend. Given additions in the budget to grievance officer stipends, there is money in the budget for this). Motion seconded. Motion passes unanimously.
5. Institutes and Centers at UMB: Discussion of Joe Brown’s motion (see below), value of centers and institutes at UMB. Discussion of whether FSU should endorse Jeffrey Burr’s proposed motion for Faculty Council (see below). Suggestion that Joe Brown and Emilio Sauri talk with Paul Watanabe, ask him to write up (or interview him and write up if he is too busy) a blog post detailing the history of center and institute funding re legislature, UMB funding. Motion made to approve Joe Brown’s motion and to support Burr’s Faculty Council motion (see both below). Motion seconded. Motion passes unanimously.
6. Boston Hotel Workers’ Strike: Motion made by Joe Ramsey that the FSU donate $100 to UNITE HERE Local 26 strike fund and that the FSU send a single subject email to FSU members about the strike. Motion seconded. Motion passes unanimously.
7. Possible Communication to FSU Members: GEO Letter, Vote Yes on Question 3: Jeff M.: I will send the Ex Com the statement from GEO they asked us to send. Will send info on Question 3 for possible statement/support from Ex Com.
8. Other topics for meetings with Interim Chancellor Katherine Newman: Raise issue of discrimination, centers and institutes? Discussion of possible need to be involved in committee proposed by Jeff Burr re Ctrs and institutes- not committee proposed by Chancellor. Will raise at Chancellor meeting. Discussion of concern that Chancellor is not prioritizing research vis a vis her Town Hall documents. Need to discuss with Chancellor this and support for faculty such as commitment to 2/2, RIS. Discussion of question whether to ask Interim Chancellor when a permanent Chancellor will be appointed. Agreement to raise the issue of research and timing of Chancellor search in addition to other items previously agreed to.
9. Budget process and timeline: Discussion of revised proposal (see below). Motion made to approve proposal for this year (we will try this during this year and will revise/modify it if needed after that). Motion seconded. Motion passes (1 abstention).
10. FSU Internal Organizing: Eduardo Siqueira, Steve Striffler, Joe Ramsey, and George Kelley volunteered to be on this committee. Heather LaPenn will be involved in advisory role. Marlene will be involved as well. Discussion of needing more diversity. Suggestion to ask Sofya Aptekar and drafters of original motion, if they are interested in serving. The Ex Com will wait a week to see if additional Ex Com members volunteer before taking next action. Joe Brown will reach out to Sofya. Discussion of whether a job description should be drafted, sent out, before committee is formed. Steve S and Jason R will draft possible job description.
Motion on Centers and Institutes- Joseph Brown
Proposal: Individual ExComm members meet with and/or send letters to state representatives to ask their support for funding the Centers and Institutes when the legislature is considering budget amendments to this effect in the winter. The ExComm should also endorse the upcoming Faculty Council resolution supporting the Centers and Institutes.
Joseph Brown
Motion from Jeffrey A. Burr, Gerontology Department Chair, regarding
UMB Centers and Institutes Review and Funding
September 21, 2018
“Motion to request the establishment by Interim Chancellor Katherine Newman of a rigorous process for evaluating University of Massachusetts Boston Centers and Institutes, including funding options for the Centers and Institutes. The evaluation process would be part of the University-wide budgetary review and timeline described by Interim Chancellor Newman at the September 10, 2018 Faculty Council meeting. The Center and Institute evaluation process would include a committee of university stakeholders who would generate a report assessing the value of Centers and Institutes in the context of the University’s mission, and considering comparative data from, among other sources, peer and aspirational public universities with commitments to public service and community engagement; historical data from the Centers and Institutes; and information on the current and projected future budgetary climate of the University. Included in this report would be recommendations for a periodic review mechanism for the Centers and Institutes. While the evaluation process is ongoing, the current policy regarding the “glide path” to complete financial self-sufficiency over the next five years would be suspended, and funding for fiscal year 2019 for the Centers and Institutes would be set at fiscal year 2018 levels.”
In order to insure a transparent, engaged, and efficient budget process:
1) The FSU Executive Committee will develop and email a draft of the budget for the next academic year to members by March 10th. [or some date]
2) The FSU will then collect comments, suggestions, and questions via email and at one budget meeting to be held by April 1st.
3) The final/proposed budget is then emailed to all members, along with an explanation of budget categories and changes from the previous year, at least one week prior to the Annual Meeting where the budget is voted on.
4) Before the meeting we should send an email asking that, if members have proposals they plan to submit as motions at the annual meeting, it would be helpful if they can share them with the FSU so they can be shared with members before the meeting, simply to allow people time to think about them. Remember, the meeting is short and attendance is high, so the more people can learn beforehand, the smoother the meeting will go. Also, if the proposal requires additional funding, this gives the Treasurer time to think about where we can, if necessary, economize.