FSU Executive Committee Minutes, 11/28/18:
Members present: Marlene Kim, John Hess, Tim Sieber, Jason Rodriquez, Joe Brown, Monique Fuguet, Steve Striffler, Jeff Melnick. Participating by phone: Emilio Sauri & Jeff Keisler. Steve Ackerman enters the meeting later.
Motion to change agenda to move discussion on #6 (parking agreement) to #3 in agenda order
1) Motion to approve minutes from 11/8/18 meeting made, seconded and passes unanimously
2) Composition of committees:
Motion to add Jeff Melnick to Communications Committee passes unanimously
Motion to add Eduardo to Parking Organizing Committee (to the extent he is willing to serve) passes unanimously
3) Parking Temporary Agreement:
Monique Fuguet asks about what happens if FSU members vote down agreement. Also asks about process leading to temporary agreement, which leaves little room for negotiation/modification of agreement if FSU members do not ratify.
Jeff Melnick introduces statement on TA for ExComm consideration. Statement critiques bargaining process imposed on FSU and gives no recommendation to FSU members for or against ratification. John Hess and Monique Fuguet introduce changes to the wording, replacing “bad” with “manifestly unfair”.
Movement to approve statement passes unanimously.
Steve Ackerman enters the meeting.
Jeff Melnick raises strategic question of how to promote statement. It is resolved to send statement out as soon as possible, with Jeff promoting in media with MTA assistance.
Marlene Kim introduces motion for executive session (passed unanimously).
Executive session ends. Monique Fuguet departs meeting.
4) Marlene Kim explains election schedule and asks for a vote on election schedule (motion passes unanimously).
Joe Ramsey enters meeting.
5) Marlene Kim asks for suggestions for FSU meeting with the chancellor. Items include research. Jason Rodriquez suggests that Ex Comm parking statement should be handed to chancellor at this meeting. Jeff Melnick suggests raising the issue of dorms and whether students and staff will lose jobs as the building security role is taken over by a private security contractor. Joe Ramsey suggests asking chancellor about sale of Bayside and whether money will be brought back to address parking fees. Marlene clarifies that chancellor has said the Bayside money will not be used for parking but to construct a building for nursing. Steve Ackerman notes that other campuses are not asked to pay for their own buildings the way UMB is asked to. (Marlene Kim says that the chancellor can be asked to address this issue.) Marlene asks for volunteers or suggestions to talk to the chancellor about research funds & improvements to ORSP.
Caroline Coscia enters meeting.
6) Marlene suggests adjustments to future FSU meeting schedule (possibly dropping the final meeting of the semester, since there are meetings three weeks in a row).
7) Caroline Coscia introduces draft proposal clarifying FSU meeting types, who can call them, and how they are called. (Proposal is for voting at a future Ex Comm meeting.)
Marlene Kim introduces motion to adjourn (passed unanimously).
Motion of the Executive Committee
The Executive Committee of the FSU commends the bargaining team for its hard work-- work that has been completed in a context of crushing austerity. Rather than fight for all of us on Beacon Hill, the university administration has foisted a brutal parking settlement on the FSU bargaining team. Insisting on a $15 daily rate, and a $504 floor per semester (for a total of more than $1000 per academic year), the administration also threatens something worse should we refuse to ratify this one-sided bargain.
This offer threatens the urban mission of the university. While Interim Chancellor Newman has spoken eloquently of releasing the current generation of students, staff, and faculty from the financial misdeeds of the past, this new parking agreement adds contemporary insult to historical injury.
Given a choice between legitimizing a manifestly unfair deal or accepting a punitive "last best offer" from the administration, the Executive Committee takes no position on whether members should vote to ratify the agreement. Whether this agreement is ratified or not, we urge FSU members to continue to stand in solidarity with staff and students across our campus as they speak out against these parking fees and the effects they will have on our public university.