FSU Executive Committee Meeting Minutes
November 20, 2020 (via Zoom)
Executive Committee Members Present: Steve Striffler; Caroline Coscia; Monique Fuguet; Jessica Holden; Travis Johnston; Meghan Kallman; Linda Liu; José Martínez-Reyes; Jeff Melnick; Joe Ramsey; Tim Sieber
Others Present: Lorenzo Nencioli, FSU Membership Coordinator; Katie D’Urso, MTA Field Rep; Shawna Butler; Ann Evans; Joel Fish; Thierry Gustave; George Kelley; Lisa Rivera; Eduardo Siqueira; James Soldner; Alan Vogel; Roxanne Winsor
- Approval of the agenda: Motion to approve the agenda. Motion seconded. Motion passes unanimously.
- Approval of the minutes of the October 30 Executive Committee meeting: Motion to approve. Motion seconded. Motion passes unanimously.
- Approve Anti-Racism Committee: This committee was formed as a response to Faculty of Color Report. Motion to approve Steve Striffler, Tim Sieber, Mickaella Perina, and Trei Martin as members of this committee. Motion passes unanimously.
- UACCESS/Food Pantry: Caroline: Undergrads and graduate students with food insecurity are currently unable to access the food pantry. Caroline reached out to the staff who manage UACCESS and was told that there is a plan for the food pantry to open—we will hear more on this decision from Garrett Smith. We need to confirm that the pantry will continue to be open even when classes are not in session.
- Consensual Relations Policy: Policy drafted by Administration. There is no current policy that this would replace. Administration would like the policy to be in place by the beginning of the next academic year. FSU can vet and make changes. Discussion of who should address this policy. Linda and Monique volunteer to do research; Meghan and Jeff volunteer to participate in the negotiation around this policy.
- Budget: Caroline and Monique lead discussion of revamping the FSU budget. This year we will need to have a dues increase. For next Executive Committee meeting in December, Ex Comm members will brainstorm suggestions for way to reduce current costs, items we should spend more time and money on, and ideas for marketing to that dues increase will be supported by membership. Need to fund an FSU organizer.
- Website Redesign: Discussion of options for updating the FSU website, including a union-friendly website designer who designed the Rutgers union’s website. A redesigned website would be a good organizing tool.
- Bayside Update/Discussion: A group of faculty have drafted a letter of demands to bring to the university regarding the development of Bayside. Steve will circulate the letter to Executive Committee to approve. FSU could ask other unions and student government to sign on. Discussion of organizing around this issue.
- Organizing and Outreach: Discussion of FSU organizing strategy, including funding for an organizer, expanding our number of CLRs, and attending faculty meetings. FSU will check in with department reps from last year to see if they are still interested in serving in those roles.
- Student Organizing: Discussion of working with student organizers, including the FSU funding a student organizer position, establishing a solidarity fund for student organizing, and working with MASSPIRG’s student organizers at UMass Boston.
- Academic Freedom: Ester Shapiro was illegally recorded by a student while she was lecturing. The recording was edited and put on right-wing websites. She is putting together a narrative of her experience which the FSU will circulate. FSU will create a statement supporting her and providing broader context regarding academic freedom.
- Bargaining/Labor-Management/Chancellor Meeting Update: Quick update on bargaining. Last meeting with the Chancellor was useful. Labor-Management meeting discussed the food pantry.
- Policy on Inclement Weather: Will there be snow days while faculty are teaching remotely? Discussion of impacts of snow on students, childcare, librarians, etc.