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November 16, 2016

FSU Executive Committee Meeting Minutes, Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Members Present: Marlene Kim,  John Hess, Karen Suyemoto,  Sofya Aptekar,  Andres Henao-Castro (via Skype),  Ellen Frank, Tina Mullins, Steve Levine, Peggy Walsh, Askold Melnyczuk, Caroline Coscia

Others Present: Jill Ferreira, FSU Administrative Assistant; Jeff Keisler, TT Grievance Officer



1.Budget Crisis- Is depreciation a part of the budget calculations?

2.FSU Elections

3.Forum with Nick Collins- Want FSU to call and organize with Phenom (Dan Hunter). Askold, Peggy, John, and Steve (after January) can do it.

  2. Minutes Approved from September and October
  3. Should we go into executive session more from now on? May be safer/better to take out names

3.Motion to approve Jeff Keisler to remain on grievance committee

  1. Caroline and Tina on Elections Committee- 1st notification should go out after Thanksgiving; 2nd notification should go out after Fall classes end; Campaigning for elections should end on March 3rd; Nomination should take place during the second week of classes. Motion to approve this timeline for elections. Caroline to work with Lorenzo on setting up ballot. Would be good not to have empty slot on ExCom (Linda is stepping down from tenured slot); Steve Striffler may be running.
  2. Email Policy- Email blasts (people reaching out to FSU for support). Where boundaries should be in place for this? Who should decide the contact of the email blasts? Expressions of solidarity (human rights, union rights, global union issues, etc.) should be discussed with the membership at large- should be a topic for the FSU Annual Meeting.
  3. FSU Presence on Social Media- Facebook/Twitter could serve as expressions of awareness raising and expressions of solidarity, and would not be use of FSU resources in the way that sending email blasts would. Who should have authority over FSU social media (Facebook)? Motion to approve that ExCom is to vote for FSU Facebook administrator, and FSU Facebook editors at the beginning of each academic year. Motion to approve current FSU Facebook administrator (Sofya Aptekar), and FSU Facebook editors (Joe Ramsey and Amy Todd) for the remainder of the 16-17 AY.
  4. Transition from Newsletter to Blog- Newsletter is dated, costly. Need to get more information from news editor what the cost difference would be for online newsletter. Funds saved from switching to online newsletter could possibly be used for stipend for student contributors. Would be good to use blog for basic FSU information in addition to other content.
  5. Communications Committee- Will need to negotiate (essay status, 2 journals within 5 years), proposal for accountability CLA vs. CM.
  6. Budget/Report Finances/Grievance Officer Positions- Need to find out if the deficit is included in budget report. Savings from sending certified letters via email could be used for another grievance officer position- will be topic/motion for next meeting.