FSU Executive Committee Meeting Minutes
March 24, 2020 (via zoom)
Ex Com Members Present: Marlene Kim; Jessica Holden; Caroline Coscia; Jeff Melnick; Monique Fuguet; Joe Ramsey; Tracy Brown; Emilio Sauri; Tim Sieber; Meghan Kallman; Joe Brown; Jose Martinez- Reyes
Others Present: Lorenzo Nencioli, FSU Membership Coordinator; Katie D’Urso, MTA Field Rep; Steve Striffler, FSU President-Elect
Junior Faculty Concerns: Joe Brown discusses junior faculty concerns regarding progress towards tenure: health issues, conversion to DL modality, research slowdown, difficulty in getting review letters, impact on teaching evaluation, etc. Also, issue of expiration of start up funds, CLR’s related to research being essentially voided when locations are closed. Suggestion re possible MOA: pause on tenure clock, extended deadlines for tenure files.
FSU Purchase of Chromebooks: MOTION (Caroline Coscia): I move that the FSU Executive Committee purchase one Chromebook at a cost of $185 as part of UMB Sponsor a Chromebook Initiative. That upon approval that we inform Vice Chancellor Adam Wise of our vote and coordinate with him to make the purchase.
Discussion of motion. Friendly amendment to shift donation $200 to student Beacon Fund in general, rather than target Chromebook purchases specifically with condition that we ask Admin to apply for Chromebook donations directly from Google and apply to state for bailout funds. Friendly amendment accepted. Motion as amended seconded. Motion as amended approved.
Coalition Impact Bargaining: MOTION (Caroline Coscia): I move that the FSU join with PSU/CSU/GEO in impact bargaining with the University on issues related to the coronavirus response. That the FSU Core Bargaining Team be the FSU representative to the coalition.
Discussion of motion. Agreed that notes from previous L-M meetings where this was discussed will be shared with Core Bargaining Team. Motion seconded. Motion approved unanimously.
4. FSU CLRs (contact FSU for CLR document): Steve Striffler presents document. Suggests splitting $10K AY President stipend with VP. Discussion and straw poll taken for whether 7th CLR would go to FSU organizer versus an NTT grievance officer. Motion to approve the following CLR’s/CBA-provided stipends: Heike Schotten (CLR), Alex Mueller (stipend), Maria Mellone (CLR), Tony Van Der Meer (stipend), Jason Rodriquez (CLR), Laurie Milliken (CLR), and a 7th CLR to an NTT grievance officer. Motion seconded. Motion approved unanimously.
5. FSU Budget (contact FSU for document): Discussion of Treasurer’s FY21 budget proposals. Monique agrees to draft revised proposed budget to include possible dues increase, present to Ex Com. Lorenzo agrees to look at data points for explanation of drop in total member FTE’s.
Motion to start next Ex Com meeting at 9AM. Motion seconded. Motion approved unanimously.
7. Adjournment: Motion to adjourn meeting. Motion seconded. Motion approved unanimously.