Members Present: Catherine Lynde Heike Schotten Peggy Walsh Marlene Kim Larry Kaye Steven Levine Meredith Hoy Tina Mullins John Hess
Others Present: Lorenzo Nencioli, FSU Membership Coordinator Jeffrey Keisler, FSU Tenure Track Faculty Grievance Officer Daniel Finn, FSU Administrative Assistant
Assistant Newsletter Editor- It was announced that Amy Todd had been hired as Asst Newsletter Editor as of the Spring 13 semester.
NEA RA Assembly- This will take place in Atlanta, July 3-6. Anyone interested in serving as a delegate should contact the FSU office.
MTA Annual Meeting-This will take place in Boston, Hynes Convention Center, May 10-11. An email will be sent to members after Spring Break asking for delegates.
FSU Annual Meeting
This will take place on Tuesday, April 16th, 1PM in the Campus Center, 2nd floor, room 2540. Members who would like to add items to the agenda should contact the FSU office.
Spring 13 Ex Com Elections
Notice of elections will be sent to members after Spring Break. There are open slots for VP, tenured (2), pre-tenure (1), and NTT (2).
Report on March 5th Higher Ed Lobby Day
About 10 FSU members, including 3 Ex Com members, attended. It was reported that the Lobby Day was a great success with a lot of enthusiasm especially from students. Members who were able to speak with their state reps and senators reported that there was a general opposition to the Governor’s proposed legislation on changes to the retiree health insurance policy.
Update: Parking and Transportation
A coalition proposal which included a sliding scale and positive incentives for taking public transportation was given to management at the last bargaining session. It was reported that management rejected the proposal (they disagreed with coalition revenue projections but stated openness to the concept of a sliding scale. It was also reported that Ellen O’Connor announced the future closures of Lot A (by May), South Lot (summer), short-term lot (May), B, C, D, Clark, and Beacon (within 2 years). Catherine Lynde set up an informational meeting with Ellen O’Connor that will be open to FSU members (1st week of April). There was a discussion of the Master Plan re parking, the possibility of arbitration for parking bargaining, and a member action in support of the parking bargaining team scheduled for March 27th.
Update: NTT Bargaining
The last bargaining session was cancelled by Admin. There is no word on when a new one will be scheduled. It was reported that changes to the Nursing Clinical Track title will also be negotiated as part of NTT bargaining.
Update: Contract Language
The FSU has been waiting for Admin to agree to final language changes. It was reported that an ultimatum was given to Admin: respond to FSU proposed language changes by the end of March 2013. If there is no response by then, the FSU will deem Admin to have agreed fully with FSU proposed changes.
Update: Grievance Committee
Updates were given on ongoing NTT class action and individual grievances as well as 1 TT grievance.
Update: Governor’s Proposal Re Changes Retiree’s Health Insurance
No new information was reported on the proposed bill. It was noted that members pondering retirement should be encouraged to track any changes in the proposed legislation so as to have more information by the time of the legislative vote.
Concerns Re CLA’s 2-2 Pilot Program
It was reported that many CLA NTT are concerned about 2/2 impact on them (concerns include increased class sizes, loss of sections). Catherine Lynde indicated that she has requested information from the CLA Dean’s Office and Institutional Research concerning changes in number of NTT sections, class sizes, etc. Once that information is received, she will give it to the concerned members.
Vote: FSU FY12 Uncollectible Dues List
A motion was made for the Ex Com to approve the list of FY12 uncollectible FSU dues (dues and agency fees from bargaining unit members who were assessed dues but did not pay as well as dues/agency fees not fully paid due to retirement, resignation, etc.- approval indicates the FSU will not legally pursue the unpaid dues/agency service fees). Motion was seconded. Motion was approved by unanimous vote.
Vote: Endorsement Request- Healthy Workplace Bill
There was discussion of whether or not to endorse a proposed bill sent by MA Healthy Workplace Advocates (http://mahealthyworkplace.com/about/index.html). Members decided not to take a vote on endorsement until more information on the bill and sponsoring organization can be obtained.
New Business
Carry Funds- Concern was expressed that departments are having trouble determining their annual budgets due to carry fund issues.
New Computers for Members- It was noted that the contract does not specify that new computers need to be provided to members. It was also reported that Admin does not see it as a priority to ensure members have adequate computers in their offices.
FY14 Contract for Lorenzo Nencioli-There was discussion of the proposed contract which includes a new personal, sick, and vacation day formula as well as a 3.35% raise. Motion was made for the Ex Com to approve the new contract. Motion was seconded. Vote to approve the FY14 contract for Lorenzo Nencioli approved by unanimous vote.