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March 10, 2020

FSU Executive Committee Meeting Minutes

March 10 2020

Ex Com Members Present: Marlene Kim; Jessica Holden; Caroline Coscia; Jeff Melnick; Monique Fuguet; Joe Ramsey; Tracy Brown; Emilio Sauri; Tim Sieber; Meghan Kallman; Joe Brown

Others Present: Lorenzo Nencioli, FSU Membership Coordinator; Katie D’Urso, MTA Field Rep

  1. Approval of agenda: Motion to amend agenda to only discuss coronavirus, FSU budget, plus 5 minutes for FSU Elections Committee update (contact FSU office for copy of proposed agenda, copies of amended agenda). Motion to approve amended agenda seconded Motion approved unanimously.
  2. Corona virus: Katie will email core bargaining team to see if they can attend L-M meeting tomorrow. Jeff Melnick and Joe Ramsey will attend. Katie will inform Admin of additional attendees.  Discussion of concerns about campus continuity: deadline, prep time, relaxing of incomplete and degree attainment policies, encourage Provost to convene a committee with many faculty to review best practices/transition to online teaching (concern over students without access to computers or without computer skills), course evaluations for this semester, CBA Travel Funds and reimbursement if conferences are cancelled, flexibility in deadlines for promotions.  Jessica: library has discussed what services we can offer if UMB closes. All FSU librarians planning on working from home, can offer normal instruction. However, archiving activities will be very scaled back. Suggestion to have any email that is sent to members be ‘signed’ by Ex Com. Motion for Ex Com to formally endorse proposing the following items as priority for coronavirus impact bargaining: push deadline for DL conversion, prep time after break (no extension of semester), regular pay for all UMB employees, no forced IP transfer and mandatory informing of options, retaining IP rights, convening of taskforce/committee to review issues, flex opt in for teaching evaluations; flexible in timelines for promotions (i.e. can delay promotion); IT support. Preamble to include language on faculty autonomy, need for priority of health influenced decisions over all. Motion seconded. Motion approved unanimously. Motion to have FSU email drafted after L-M in consultation with Katie, send to FSU members by no later than Thursday. Motion seconded. Motion approved unanimously.
  3. Adjournment: Motion to adjourn meeting. Motion seconded. Motion approved unanimously.