FSU Executive Committee 2024-2025 (Click here for meeting minutes).
The Executive Committee is responsible for all policies of the organization inclusive of establishing committees that oversee collective bargaining and contract administration as well as member involvement and labor/management committees (see the FSU bylaws for details). Executive Committee members are elected by the FSU members who are from their constituency (librarian, non-tenure track, tenure track not yet tenured, or tenured) except that the President and Vice President are elected by the membership as a whole (NOTE: The President and VP will have their constituency counted in the Executive Committee's proportional breakdown).
FSU members in good standing who wish to have an item added to the agenda of the next Executive Committee meeting should contact FSU President Caroline Coscia.
The Spring 25 Executive Committee elections are underway. See here for more.
1. Caroline Coscia—President
Political Science
Constituency: Non-Tenure Track
2. Sana Haroon- Vice President
Constituency: Tenured
3. Suha Ballout
Constituency: Tenured
4. Lynne Benson
Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality
Constituency: Non- Tenure Track
5. Jorge Capetillo (NOTE: elected in special election on October 16, 2024)
Constituency: Tenured
6. Andrew Elder (NOTE: elected in special election on August 22, 2024)
Healey Library
Constituency: Librarian
7. Monique Fuguet- Treasurer
Constituency: Non-Tenure Track
8. Karen Grayson
Constituency: Non-Tenure Track
9. Patricia Krueger- Henney (NOTE: elected in special election on October 11, 2023)
Leadership In Education
Constituency: Tenured
10. Jared Poole
Constituency: Pre-Tenure Tenure Track
11. Rania Said
Modern Languages Lit, Cultures
Constituency: Pre-Tenure Tenure Track
12. Alejandro Reuss (NOTE: elected in special election on October 16, 2024)
Labor Resource Center
Constituency: Non- Tenure Track
13. Wei Zhang (NOTE: elected in special election on October 11, 2023)
Management Science & Info Systems
Constituency: Tenured