Ex Com was asked by email on 7/13/19 to vote on the following. The FSU Executive Committee voted to approve the motion. The motion passed 11 votes in favor, 1 opposed.
If passed by a simple majority of the FSU Executive Committee, the following statement will be sent (within one business day of the majority being achieved) as a freestanding email message to our membership with the subject line "Shared Governance and the Chancellor Search Committee." The Communications Director of the FSU will also forward the message to the Chair of the Board of Trustees and the President of the University of Massachusetts system.
"The Executive Committee of the Faculty-Staff Union would like to commend our colleagues on the Faculty Council Executive Committee for the rigorous work they have done in soliciting and vetting nominations for the Chancellor Search Committee. The Faculty Council's nomination process was careful and transparent and in keeping with best practices recommended by the AAUP. We urge the Chair of the Board of Trustees to respect this work of the Faculty Council Executive Committee and, per their recommendations, appoint Professors Tim Hacsi (CLA), Michael Johnson (MGS), Heike Schotten (CLA), Eduardo Siqueira (SE), and Kiran Verma (CM) to the search committee.
We also want to express our gratitude to the Faculty Council Executive Committee for its reaffirmation of the basic principles of shared governance."