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Ex Com E-Vote, May 26, 2020, Approval of FSU Members to Academic Continuity Taskforce


Vote on 5/26/20 regarding the appointment of FSU members to the Academic Continuity Taskforce (description below). Vote to approve that FSU ask Admin to appoint two members (Lillian Bertram, TT; Keith Jones, NTT) (vote totals below).

1.        Vote on whether or not you want to push for two members on this committee, one NTT and one TT

                9 in favor of pushing for 2 members (one NTT, one TT); none opposed

2.        Vote on who the TT member is if the above passes:

Reyes Coll-Tellechea 0

Sommer Forrester 0

Lillian Bertram 8

3.        Vote on who should be the single committee member if only one is allowed

NTT member (Keith Jones) 9

TT member voted on above 0

Subject: Summer Academic Continuity Taskforce

Hi, All. I am writing you in your roles as (respectively) President and President-Elect of FSU, President of DCU, Chair of Faculty Council, and Chair of the Budget and Long Range Planning Committee, to let you know my present thinking on how to structure the summer Academic Continuity Taskforce that has been under discussion. This is the joint administrative/faculty-governance group that I will task with studying scenarios concerning the delivery of our academic programs in AY2020-21, in light of present and evolving health conditions.

My preference is to have one comprehensive taskforce of the type I outline below, with the primary charge of assuring a high-quality academic experience for all students in the coming academic year, designing strategies for achieving the learning objectives of the University’s diverse curriculum through a variety of structures and modalities and for moving nimbly from one modality to another, as conditions indicate. The secondary charge of the taskforce will be to advise the administration regarding issues that affect the reopening of campus. I also expect the taskforce, in the course of its deliberations, to identify workload-related or other issues/impacts with collective bargaining implications and refer them to FSU and/or DCU for potential negotiation.

Proposed structure for the taskforce (total: 23 members):


  1. 4 deans or associate deans – one to be appointed as chair of the taskforce
  2. 2 provost’s staff
  3. 1 registrar’s rep
  4. 1 IT staff rep
  5. 1 e-learning staff
  6. 1 facilities staff


  1. 1 FSU rep
  2. 1 DCU rep
  3. 1 Faculty Council rep
  4. 1 BLRP rep
  5. 1 department chair at-large
  6. 8 faculty reps, 1 per college/school

The Deans have collected nominees from their college governance bodies and sent them to me, and faculty have been self-nominating to me, for the spots in II.e-f. I am hereby inviting Faculty Council and BLRP to send me your nominees for the reps referenced in II.c-d. I am hopeful that FSU and DCU, as part of their present impact bargaining processes, will choose to sign onto this taskforce as the vehicle for their participation in summer planning and to send me their reps for slots II.a-b. I am open, of course, to the unions choosing to participate through separate bodies more specific to themselves.

I would like to get this taskforce charged and convened in the coming week. Nominees must be prepared to work through the summer.

Best, Emily