Ex Com was asked on 5/20/20 to sign the following (description below). Approval is given (12 in favor, 0 opposed).
We are being asked to sign onto this letter (see below). Let us know if you approve.. Looks like it is coming from Georgetown University but applies to all. It was developed by a group of higher education unions across the country who have been meeting through the Bargaining for a Common Good project. PSU will be signing on and believes it will help put pressure on getting more money from the federal government
Here’s How We Not Just Reopen, But Transform Universities
A letter from the workers, students and faculty who know firsthand what Higher Ed needs
COVID 19 is a wake-up call for higher education in the U.S. Will higher ed actually deliver the promises of an equitable America, or further drive its inequality?
University Presidents are c alling for “safely reopening campuses” to save higher education. These calls ring hollow when students, graduate student workers, faculty, staff and outsourced workers can’t get PPE and are struggling to feed their families now, when campuses are closed.
Protecting higher education as a keystone of our post-COVID 19 economy requires common sense, out-of-the-box thinking. It starts with placing workers, students, faculty and equity at the center of all decision-making - not on the chopping block.
For too long, we’ve been forced to make impossible choices between raising tuition or cutting back essential staff and services, while donors get tax breaks, endowments grow and management bloats. We’ve watched as the amenities race for football and campus Jamba Juices have left poor, black and brown workers, especially student workers, further behind.
University administrators must take care of the basic needs of all the humans their institutions support, not the construction loans or donors they “owe.” Even then, only a free, state-supported higher education system, fully funded by the wealthiest in this country, can lift up the next generation - it’s what we all need and deserve. We can absolutely make it happen.
To get there, we need the following short and long term solutions:
reopen when there’s a commitment to maintain the staffing and resources (PPE, etc.) needed to keep workers and students safe.
To be clear - President Paxson, all University Presidents, Boards of Regents, Trustees, and Higher Education Leaders: Your duty now is to marshal all the resources and expertise at your disposal to make it possible not just to safely reopen campuses, but to save our universities and ensure they continue to serve as a vehicle for good jobs and economic opportunity for ALL OF US. Students, workers and our communities depend on it.