Ex Com was asked by email on 4/21/20 to vote on the following (NOTE: Ex Com voted on documents titled ‘fsu.fy21.budget.v5.apri21jcccorrected.spring20’ and ‘JCC Draft FY21 Budget’). The FSU Executive Committee voted to approve the motion (11 votes in favor, none opposed).
Hi Ex Com,
As I emailed you a couple of weeks ago, the JCC expense (attached) came to us under the amount in the budget you approved earlier in the month ($25,182.95 instead of $30K). The result is that with no dues increase and a 2.5% raise to FSU staff, the budget will have a surplus of $3,698 for next year. Monique was going to put these new figures in a revised budget and ask for your reconsideration of the budget in light of this, since we assumed this budget would have been approved (in columns G and H) had we known we would be in the black and not in the red with no dues increase.
She was going to ask you all to:
This budget should go out to members this Thursday, and since Monique has not been able to revise it, I just did and am proposing that you all vote to approve A through C above: reconsider the previous budget, approve the JCC budget, and approve the corrected FSU FY21 budget in columns G and H with a 2.5% in pay for staff and no dues increase. Can someone second this and you all vote to approve all three now so we can get this out to members by Thursday? A doodle is below. Thanks!
Marlene Kim
Faculty Staff Union President, and
Professor, Department of Economics
University of Massachusetts Boston
100 Morrissey Blvd.
Boston, MA 02125
Email: Marlene.Kim@umb.edu
Voice: 617/287-6954
Fax: 617/287-6976