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Ex Com E-Vote, April 23, 2020, Recommendation on Revised Proposed FY21 FSU and JCC Budgets


Ex Com was asked by email on 4/21/20 to vote on the following (NOTE: Ex Com voted on documents titled ‘fsu.fy21.budget.v5.apri21jcccorrected.spring20’ and ‘JCC Draft FY21 Budget’). The FSU Executive Committee voted to approve the motion (11 votes in favor, none opposed).

Hi Ex Com,

As I emailed you a couple of weeks ago, the JCC expense (attached) came to us under the amount in the budget you approved earlier in the month ($25,182.95 instead of $30K).  The result is that with no dues increase and a 2.5% raise to FSU staff, the budget will have a surplus of $3,698 for next year.  Monique was going to put these new figures in a revised budget and ask for your reconsideration of the budget in light of this, since we assumed this budget would have been approved (in columns G and H) had we known we would be in the black and not in the red with no dues increase.    

She was going to ask you all to:

  1.  Reconsider the previous budget,
  2. Approve the JCC budget (this is something we do as a courtesy; the JCC is the body that governs the Amherst and Boston chapters of the local unions for faculty and librarians.  Most of the expenses as you can see are for the bookkeeper and arbitrations.  The $3K for meals is for a joint dinner we have at the MTA annual meeting in May, which will not occur this year)
  3. Approve the FSU FY21 budget with a 2.5% increase in pay for staff and no dues increase.  This is in columns G and H.  (the budget you had approved in early April, with a $3 increase in dues and 2.5% increase in pay for staff, remains in columns S and T). 

This budget should go out to members this Thursday, and since Monique has not been able to revise it, I just did and am proposing that you all vote to approve A through C above:  reconsider the previous budget, approve the JCC budget, and approve the corrected FSU FY21 budget in columns G and H with a 2.5% in pay for staff and no dues increase.  Can someone second this and you all vote to approve all three now so we can get this out to members by Thursday?  A doodle is below.  Thanks!

Marlene Kim

Faculty Staff Union President, and

Professor, Department of Economics

University of Massachusetts Boston

100 Morrissey Blvd.

Boston, MA 02125


Voice:  617/287-6954

Fax:  617/287-6976