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April 9, 2012


Members Present: Catherine Lynde   Phil Chassler   John Hess   Marlene Kim   Peggy Walsh

Others Present: Lorenzo Nencioli, FSU Membership Coordinator   Mickey Gallagher, MTA Consultant   Dorothy Nelson, outgoing FSU Newsletter Editor   Jennifer Berkshire, incoming FSU Newsletter Editor

Newsletter Editor
Jennifer Berkshire was introduced to the Executive Committee. It was suggested that a mission statement be crafted for the newsletter and that article writers be paid.

Ex Com Elections
Catherine Lynde announced that she will be on sabbatical Fall 12 and is seeking to have a member appointed President on an interim basis for that semester. Marlene Kim said she would stand in as President for Fall 12. A motion was made to have Marlene Kim serve as interim President for Fall 12. Motion was seconded. The motion passes by unanimous vote.

Because Ex Com elections were not held Spring 11 Catherine suggested that ALL Ex Com slots be voted on in Spring 12 with terms of office alternating by constituency between 1 and 2 years so as to maintain staggered terms. She asked that Ex Com members give their preference on serving for 1 or 2 years (John Hess indicated he would serve for 2 years if elected; Peggy Walsh, 2 years; Phil Chassler, 2 years; Kathy Kogan, 1 year; Marlene Kim, 2 years; Catherine Lynde, 2 years).

FSU FY12 Budget
The proposed budget was presented to the Ex Com. The budget includes increased expenditures for changing Lorenzo Nencioli and the FSU’s accountant’s health plans to family plans, staff raises, an increase in the FSU President’s salary to match that of the MSP President’s, as well as $15K for salary and health insurance for a part-time staffer to be hired at a later date. It was also noted that the MSP wants to have a local dues increase of $10 per year rather than the initial proposal of $5 a year. There was discussion of the need for this dues increase. A motion was made to recommend the proposed FSU FY12 budget to the membership. Motion was seconded. The motion passes by unanimous vote.

FSU Annual Meeting
The annual meeting will take place on Wednesday, April 18th at 12PM in the Healey Library, 11th floor. There will be a vote on the proposed budget, a review of the new CBA, a discussion of parking issues, and a discussion of the labor/management committees created by the new CBA.

Labor/Management Committees
The 12-14 CBA calls for a number of committees to convene: a committee to negotiate NTT issues, a salary anomaly committee, a Faculty Workload/Working Conditions/Research Support Committee, and a committee to bargain over issues related to distance learning (starting Fall 12). There will be a need to find members to serve on the DL committee.

UMB Forum
There should be a forum held before the end of the semester on implications of the strategic plan.

UMass Lowell NTT Rally, May 2nd
There was discussion of the UML NTT faculty members’ continual drive to unionize and the rally they are holding to gain support for their efforts. A motion was made to give official FSU Ex Com support to the UML rally. Motion was seconded. The motion passes by unanimous vote.

FSU Departmental Meetings
There was a report on the visits made by FSU reps to the department meetings in Hispanic Studies and Nursing. It was noted that 2 people agreed to be departmental liaisons to the FSU. There was a discussion of the need to formalize a follow-up procedure so that questions that arise at these meetings can be answered in a timely fashion.

Campaign for the Future of Higher Education
CFHE will be having a meeting in Ann Arbor on May 18th. John Hess will be attending the meeting and asked the Ex Com if it would pay for part of all of his travel and registration costs (approximately $475 for the flight and $200 for lodging) as well as a donation of $500 to CFHE. A motion was made to donate $500 to CFHE and to pay for air fare and lodging for John Hess to attend the CFHE meeting on May 18th. Motion was seconded. The motion passes by unanimous vote.

Grievance Committee Update
An update was given on the 12 active grievances as well as a number of grievance issues dealt with at the informal level, including 2 incidences of threats made to FSU members by students.