Fall Opening Forum: Tuesday, August 10, 3:30-4:30 -- Please join us for a FSU Forum about issues of health/safety around the Fall semester opening. The FSU has invited someone from UMB’s “Return to Campus Committee” to provide information and answer questions. (contact FSU or Steve Striffler for Zoom information).
The FSU Executive Committee sent the below email request to the UMB Administration today on behalf of the FSU. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the FSU (fsu@umb.edu).
Dear Chancellor Suárez-Orozco and Provost Berger,
The FSU supports requiring faculty to be vaccinated in order to return to campus in the Fall. We write to request to impact bargain the details of such a policy as soon as possible.
I wanted to inform you about two important matters- the FSU vaccine survey results and the recent union coalition memorandum of agreement on health and safety matters.
Vaccine Survey Results:
Over 400 members participated in the vaccine survey. The response was fairly definitive.
Thank you for filling out the vaccine survey in such large numbers….and providing such thoughtful comments. For those who have not yet filled it out, we will close the survey Friday afternoon. See below.
With the possibility of campus opening in a significant way for the Fall semester, the FSU has gotten an increasing number of emails about health and safety concerns, particularly with respect to whether the vaccine will be required for coming to campus. Please fill out this four question survey and let us know what you think (contact FSU or Steve Striffler for link to the survey).
Executive Committee meetings are open to all FSU members in good standing, Members who wish to have an item added to an Executive Committee meeting agenda should cont
Executive Committee meetings are open to all FSU members in good standing, Members who wish to have an item added to an Executive Committee meeting agenda should cont
Executive Committee meetings are open to all FSU members in good standing, Members who wish to have an item added to an Executive Committee meeting agenda should cont
Executive Committee meetings are open to all FSU members in good standing, Members who wish to have an item added to an Executive Committee meeting agenda should cont
Executive Committee meetings are open to all FSU members in good standing, Members who wish to have an item added to an Executive Committee meeting agenda should cont