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Advocating for Our Rights as Members
The Faculty Staff Union Exists to Promote Better Working Conditions and Protect the Wages and Rights of Our Members
Faculty Staff Union, UMass Boston
UMass Boston- Harbor Point
Speak Out Against Proposed Take-Backs!
FSU, CSU, and PSU members at the Chancellor's Office demanding that UMass pay the raises agreed to in bargaining
The Faculty Staff Union of UMass-Boston
Representing Faculty Members and Librarians at UMass Boston Since 1976.

The Faculty Staff Union of UMass Boston Quinn/2/81A 100 Morrissey Blvd Boston MA 02125 617-287-6295 | 

The Faculty Staff Union of UMass Boston

Welcome to the FSU Site. Here you will find important information about our union, including the contract, a list of officers and  Executive Committee members, the FSU office telephone number and our address. You will also find information about current issues.   Please be sure to check the site regularly for the most recent issues facing our unit. We also have provided links to related sites that   you may find useful for union issues and for professional activities.

Caroline Coscia, President


Bargaining Update and Call to Action


Dear FSU Members,

We are fed up. The FSU (along with the other campus unions, by the way, who are experiencing the same thing), are sick and tired of how bargaining, and labor relations more generally, are being treated by the current University Administration.  And we need your help; keep reading for ways you can support your union.

Reminder: NTT Promotion Workshop Nov 30th


Dear NTT Member, 

This is a reminder that we are holding an informational workshop on Tuesday, November 30 11AM to 12PM on Zoom (link below) to explain the NTT promotion process but more importantly, what needs to be submitted to your chair.    

The deadline to submit your materials to your department chair is no later than February 8, 2022.  

Promotion eligibility including the required number of FTE years can be found in Article 21.10.2 of the Collective Bargaining Agreement.   

The Point: Necessary Fictions and Cognitive Dissonance


Greetings, Colleagues:

Full disclosure: this is the first of a series of messages you will be getting in the coming days about how collective bargaining is unfolding. I get to kick things off but before long you will also hear from FSU President Steve Striffler, and also directly from our core bargaining team and contract action team.  It might seem like a lot, but it is—I promise—important.

Bargaining Invite – Join FSU on Thursday & Friday


Dear FSU Members,

We have two days of bargaining this week, Thursday (3:30-4:30) and Friday (3:30 – 6:30).   We will likely be bargaining salary/raises, RES/Travel funds, as well as issues related to NTT workload and appointments.  Both days are important, and we could really benefit from attendance any time during the Friday session.

Please register in advance for either/both of the bargaining sessions this week (contact FSU or Steve Striffler for registration information).

The Point: Waging Peace at UMass Boston


Greetings, Colleagues:

NTT Faculty Survey on Department Inclusion & Governance


Dear Fellow NTT Faculty, 

The FSU Core Bargaining Team is calling on NTT faculty to offer written testimony regarding your experiences of inclusion and exclusion at the department level.  Survey link below!! Please fill it out by Wednesday, November 17th if you can. 

Information on Title IX Sexual Harassment Grievance Procedures, Sexual or Gender-Based Misconduct Harassment Procedures, and Ethical Relationship Policy


Dear FSU Member,

You should have two received emails from Human Resources News over the last few weeks, one with information on revised Title IX Sexual Harassment Grievance Procedures and Sexual or Gender-Based Misconduct Harassment Procedures, and one with information on a new Ethical Relationships Policy (links to all three policies, an FAQ for the Ethical Relationships Policy, and a link to UMB’s Title IX office are below).

The Point: Look Through Any Window


Grad labor is on the march!

NTT Promotion Workshop


Dear FSU Member,

Are you an NTT who is submitting promotion materials from Lecturer to Senior Lecturer or Senior Lecturer to Senior Lecturer II?   Or are you an NTT who wants to know what is involved in filing for promotion?  

If so, we are holding an informational workshop on Tuesday, November 30 11AM to 12PM via Zoom (it will be recorded) to explain the promotion process but more importantly, what needs to be submitted to your chair.   


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