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Advocating for Our Rights as Members
The Faculty Staff Union Exists to Promote Better Working Conditions and Protect the Wages and Rights of Our Members
Faculty Staff Union, UMass Boston
UMass Boston- Harbor Point
Speak Out Against Proposed Take-Backs!
FSU, CSU, and PSU members at the Chancellor's Office demanding that UMass pay the raises agreed to in bargaining
The Faculty Staff Union of UMass-Boston
Representing Faculty Members and Librarians at UMass Boston Since 1976.

The Faculty Staff Union of UMass Boston Quinn/2/81A 100 Morrissey Blvd Boston MA 02125 617-287-6295 | 

The Faculty Staff Union of UMass Boston

Welcome to the FSU Site. Here you will find important information about our union, including the contract, a list of officers and  Executive Committee members, the FSU office telephone number and our address. You will also find information about current issues.   Please be sure to check the site regularly for the most recent issues facing our unit. We also have provided links to related sites that   you may find useful for union issues and for professional activities.

Caroline Coscia, President


FSU Annual Meeting, Tuesday, April 23rd 3– 5PM


Dear FSU member,  

We want to remind you that the FSU Annual Meeting will be on Tuesday, April 23rd from 3PM to 5:00PM. The meeting will be held virtually: 

 (contact FSU or Caroline Coscia for Zoom information).

Surprise! Admin Shows Up, but Refuses to Bargain


Dear FSU Members,

We had a fantastic bargaining session yesterday. Over 20 of our members were present as part of our expanded bargaining team and we were pleasantly surprised to see that the Administration’s bargaining team showed up after they said they would not be coming because a few of our members had to be on Zoom.

Unfortunately, the administration is still refusing to bargain over the issues and is continuing to waste time insisting that no one can ever be on Zoom.

Nuts & Bolts: FSU Annual Meeting, Online Course Development, Labor Based Grading, MTA candidate forum and thinking about retiring


Dear Members,

It is finally here- the eclipse is just hours away.  If you are on campus the partial eclipse begins at 2:16PM with peak occurring at 3:29PM. It ends at 4:39PM.  I am ready with my solar glasses.   

FSU Annual Meeting, April 23rd at 3pm

Our annual meeting is two weeks away!   Please join to us hear what your union has been doing, the status of activities (bargaining, parking bargaining, and coalition work), and adopting a budget for the next year.

The Point: Boston University Graduate Workers on Strike – Their Fight is Our Fight!


This week’s edition of The Point was written by Professor Steve Striffler of the Labor Resource Center.

Thousands of Boston University graduate student workers went on strike last week.   After bargaining for nine months in fourteen different sessions, and filing five unfair labor practice charges, the Boston University Graduate Workers Union (BUGWU) finally called a strike that had been authorized by the overwhelming majority of its members.

FSU Executive Committee Meeting TODAY Tues, 4/2 3:30-5


Dear FSU Members,

The FSU Executive Committee meeting is meeting TODAY Tuesday, April 2nd, 3:30-5PM.

The meeting today will be via Zoom   (contact FSU or Caroline Coscia for Zoom information).

Spring 24 FSU Election Results


Dear FSU member,

Voting for the President, Librarian, Non-Tenure Track, Pre-Tenure, and Tenured Representative elections closed this morning at 9AM, and the election results are in.  

Congratulations to your newly elected FSU Executive Committee members:

President:                                                  Caroline Coscia

Librarian Representative:                           C.R. Elliott

NTT Representatives:                                 Monique Fuguet

REMINDER: FSU Elections - Voting Ends Monday, April 1st, 9:00AM EST


Dear FSU Member,

Voting for the FSU elections will conclude at 9am Monday (4/1). You should have received an email with an individualized link to your ballot the morning of Monday. April 25th. You will use this link to cast your ballot for both President and your respective faculty or librarian rank, if applicable. 

The Point: The Administration Must be Held Accountable


This week’s Point was written by Professors Keith Jones and Tony Van Der Meer of the  Africana Studies Department.

For the past few years, UMass Boston’s administration, which had agreed to commit to the process of becoming “a leading anti-racist and health-promoting public research institution,” has systematically betrayed their purported commitment.


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