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FSU Raises, Bargaining, Health, and Politics!


Dear FSU members,

If you make it to the end of this overly long email you will have a guaranteed place in union heaven!  There is something for everyone!

NTT Faculty and AFRs


Dear Non-Tenure Faculty, 

As you start to prepare for Fall semester, I want to remind you to include completing your Annual Faculty Review (AFR) to your semester to do list. 

AFRs are due no later than September 20th to your department chair.   To access the AFR system go to  

Why is it important to annually complete an AFR?    

Graduate Program Director Survey – Report/Analysis


Dear FSU Members,

We write to report on the recent FSU survey of Graduate Program Directors.  We got 67 responses – an excellent response given the relatively small size of the group and the timing of the survey.  Thanks to those who participated!  Current and former GPDs who did not participate are encouraged to share your thoughts ( 

REMINDER: FSU Survey for Graduate Program Directors- Deadline Tomorrow (Thursday, 6/17)


Dear Members,

Below is a link to a very short survey for current and past Graduate Program Directors (everyone else can ignore).  The FSU is trying to get a better sense of GPD job responsibilities and compensation across the university.  It is easy and will take about 5 minutes to fill out.   

If this applies to you, and you haven’t filled out the survey already, please do so by the end of the day tomorrow (Thursday, 6/17).


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